Friday, March 7, 2014

George Lopez Arrest For Public Intoxication On Casino Floor

George Lopez at one of his comedy expiditions
in 2013

Ontario, Canada- The renowned comedian George Lopez, 52, was arrested for public intoxication on Feb. 27th, according to TMZ. Authorities found him asleep on the floor of the Canadian Casino Ceasars Windsor. Mr. Lopez is in good standing and no charges are being filed against him. Hilarious as always, Lopez joked about his arrest, "Tied one on last night. Not feeling great this morning. I was trying to sleep it off; unfortunately, it was on the casino floor."  Lopez had a show scheduled at the casino called "Saint George ."  George Lopez is a Mexican American comedian known to be hilarious and has sold out featured comedy shows on many occasions.  Next time, Lopez will be aware of the fall out before the media releases it. Sleeping it off may not wear off the intoxication.  Just joking saying, easy on the Coronas! 

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George Lopez Arrested For Public Intoxication After Falling Asleep On Casino Floor. (n.d.). Retrieved from 

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