Saturday, April 19, 2014

Mexico Striked by M 7.2 Earthquake

Mexico- An earthquake of M 7.2 occurred near Mexico City on April 18th, 2014 in Guerrero Seismic Gap. Near the Pacific coast of Mexico, the earhquake caused a thrust between the North American and Coscos oceanic sea plates. April 18, 2014 M 7.2 earthquake near the Pacific coast of Mexico occurred in the state of Guerrero, 265 km southwest of Mexico City. The earthquake occurred as the result of thrust motion at shallow depths.

The initial location, depth, and mechanism of the April 18 earthquake are broadly consistent with slip on or near the plate boundary interface between the subducting Cocos oceanic sea plate and the North America plate. The northeastern subductions resulted in the motion rate of approximately 65mm/yr on the Mexico's Pacific coast line. The scale tectonics have risen as the earthquakes have been a series of 23 events since the 1957 Guerrero area earthquake and happen frequently along the American median subduction zone.

There were disasters in the events of 1979 and the 1981 of M 7.2. The 1985 M 8.0 rupture caused small tsunamis staggering 9,500 fatalities. Predictions of future shakings are higher as sea level as plates continue to move and shallow regions to be engulfed by tsunamis caused by earthquakes is possible. Emergency warning earthquake systems have already been established during the prior recorded events and hopes are that local Guerrero and Mexico is prepared for events ahead.

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