Friday, February 21, 2014

Neknominate Killed 5 Young Lives!

Nationwide- A trending game also known as neck and nominate has been going viral throughout the nation amongst young drinkers across social networks to drink and dare.  The game is called "Neknominate" where young adults drink and nominate the person to do outrageous stunts, such as jumping off of a bridge into water, or taking a selfie in lingerie in a public department store, or hanging off of a helicopter like its Black Hawk Down or Mission Impossible. Dr. Travis Stork panelist and co-host of the award-winning Doctors TV morning Show has already taken note of this rising trend and has already announced a 'Health Caution' and a warning to "STOP!"  This is another case of Monkey See, Monkey Do.  Have your parents ever told you, "if your so called 'friend' jumps off of a bridge, are you going to do it too?" We'll Neknominate is not necessarily a game of follow the leader, but rather leads to self-destruction, and even death. Warn the youth especially college aged students about the dangers of excessive drinking can impair informed decisions. I would stay clear and deer away from the danger games of drinking, and would rather just have an enclosed gathering of people that you trust on a family and friends 'game night.' I conducted poll research to the public for a Manchester radio station for research long ago about 'Binge Drinking' for Smooth 104.1 FM about the dangers and consequences that come with it. The game is popular in Europe, and has already been the cause of 5 deaths, much from alcohol poisoning. The drinking age is lower in Europe and the averages of alcoholic beverages in the past 30 days are much higher compared to the United States. In a John Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health research study, 70% in the U.K., have consumed at least one alcoholic beverage in the past 30 days compared to the admitted 33% in United States. A 2011 National Survey on Drug use and Health reported a staggering 10 million persons were underaged drinkers between the ages of 12 to 20 and nearly 6.5 million were binge drinkers, while 2 million where heavy dose drinkers.

We all have heard of the saying "wine is good for the heart," but to what extent does it get out of control. Safety practices limit yourself to one if you have to drink and you have low tolerance if you have to have one for tasting, not to get drunk and always have someone with you as a designated person that is trustworthy. If ever I would avoid drinking all together and stick with sparkling cider. You don't necessarily need a drink to jump start your festivities.  Just be yourself.  If your in a group and so pressured to drink, and they don't respect your decisions, then why hang with them, just to keep up with the fads of No!Go Rehab Amy Winehouse?   The British rockstar, Winehouse since passed due to an overdose of alcohol intoxication.  If your under age, then you shouldn't have this issue and shouldn't or 'best not' be drinking at all!  

There is a proverb in the 20th chapter written in the ancient scrolls of Solomon, a king known to be the wisest man that ever lived:

"Wine produces mockers; alcohol leads to brawls.Those led astray by drink cannot be wise." 

For the young drinkers or those who have addict habits or following the pressures of deadly trends, take heed of those whom lived and drank before you. 

Read More: 
"Neknominate." Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Wikimedia Foundation, Inc, n.d. Web. 21 Feb. 2014.

"Prevalence of Underage Drinking - Factsheets - Center on Alcohol Marketing and Youth." Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. N.p., n.d. Web. 21 Feb. 2014.

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